Auto warranty

Process legitimate claims more quickly, detect fraud instantly

Speed up claims processing with real-time virtual inspections. Truepic verifies the submission, ensuring a reliable result.
Trusted by leading warranty and inspection service providers
Anchor Loans logo.
Anchor Loans logo.
Anchor Loans logo.
Anchor Loans logo.

Why Truepic Vision

Skip onsite inspections, ensure claims are legitimate

An in-person inspection can be expensive and slow. But, approving a work order without verifying the damage can lead to unnecessary repairs and higher costs. With Truepic, customers or repair shop techs can send an inspection for approval as soon as they file the claim. Truepic ensures the integrity of photos and videos, reducing the risk of fraud.

Minimize early claims by verifying vehicle info at underwriting

Don’t rely on stated information—quickly confirm vehicle mileage and condition as part of your application process.

Process claims faster with real-time inspections

Consumers or repair shop partners can complete the request in minutes. There's no need to schedule in advance or wait for an inspector.

Eliminate false claims by automatically verifying vehicle information

Truepic verifies the vehicle's location and checks whether the photographed VIN and odometer readings match the expected vehicle and mileage.

Product Experience

How Truepic Vision works

An Inspection request form from the Truepic Vision dashboard.

Consumer or repair technician takes photos and videos

Users are prompted to capture content and answer questions based on your requirements.
An Inspection request form from the Truepic Vision dashboard.

Truepic analyzes for authenticity

All submissions go through a series of tests to determine trustworthiness.
An Inspection request form from the Truepic Vision dashboard.

Receive and review results

When the inspection is complete, you’re notified instantly to review the results.

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